The Class

Comprehensive Arbitration Course took place in Toronto and with an online option October 28 to November 1, 2024. The next course will be held October 20-24, 2025 again in a hybrid format daily from 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time. It is an ADR Institute of Ontario 40 hour certified course qualifying students for Q. Arb. designation. Course is open to anyone including residents of other provinces and international students. Ontario lawyers and paralegals receive full year’s requirement of Law Society CPD accreditation. This course will train you to be an effective arbitrator controlling a judicial process, skilled counsel, expert witness or effective party representative. The course will include arbitration legislation from across Canada and we encourage participants to join us from across Canada. Course will be presented in a seminar and small group exercise format in Toronto at the OBA facility on Toronto Street and also on Zoom. Students can attend in person for days they wish and online when they are unable to attend in person.

The People

This course has been offered by Murray H Miskin since 1985, originally for the Arbitrators Institute of Ontario through the University of Toronto. Murray is an Ontario lawyer with 40 years experience as a litigator, and is an experienced arbitrator and mediator, who has trained over 2,000 students in arbitration. Starting in 2021 with the first online course Dana Hirsh, a lawyer who works full time as a mediator and arbitrator, and who previously was an arbitrator for the Financial Services Commission is co-instructor. We have not yet confirmed guest speakers for the 2025 course. For 2025 we will have a guest speaker on Family Law Arbitration. Special guest speakers have included:

  1. Richard Pound, Counsel at Stikeman’s law firm in Montreal, Canada’s man at the Olympics, Founding President of World Anti-Doping Agency speaking about Olympic dispute resolution process

  2. Richard Feldman, Lawyer and Professor, Formerly Senior Arbitrator at Financial Services Commission of Ontario, on Expert Witnesses in Arbitration

  3. Ian Darling, Chair of Condominium Authority of Ontario, a totally online dispute resolution tribunal, explaining online hearing procedures and the future of Condominium Arbitration

  4. Mitchell Rose, Toronto based mediator who is an experienced litigation lawyer will present on the topic of Med/Arb and discuss with Murray Miskin potential problems when mediating and arbitrating together.

REGISTER: Register soon for the next course October 20 to 24, 2025 by paying a $500 CDN deposit which can be put on your credit card through Paypal. The price of $2,500 goes up after April 4th by $200. You may also contact Christine at Miskin Law 877-428-8000 or 416-492-0989. Press 0 to arrange to pay by etransfer, cheque or other methods. If you are part of a group of 3 or more friends or co-workers you will qualify for a 10% discount. The balance of the early registration course fee of $2,500 plus HST is payable before the course begins. Click Here to Register